Sunday, June 12, 2011

An Interesting Find Brings More Questions

I just looked up Joslin Diabetes research thanks to Michael's comment. It is a very interesting site. They even have a section where people that have lived 25 or more years with diabetes can share their story. The first one I happened to read was a person that was diagnosed in 1949! Yes, 1949. They explained that they do not have any complications. How is that possible? You cannot tell me that the care back then was great. You had to boil your needles for petes sake! You can't tell me that if they HAD tested A1C which I highly doubt, that it would have been in an acceptable range. So going back to my previous post, and listing the reasons why we think vince MAY have complications, doesn't make sense. Even if he didn't see an Endo as a child and may not have had the lowest A1C's as a child, that still makes zero sense. It is driving me crazy. I hope they find more research and answers, but better yet, a cure to neuropathy; the one complication that has completely disabled him.


  1. Very interesting stuff indeed, Sandy. Thanks for the mention, by the way. You might also want to check out the video that Kerri put together recently over at Six Until Me, featuring some of those Joslin 50-year medalists who've lived with diabetes for a half century and beyond - including one that she talked to diagnosed 77 years ago. And then the mention of the man who recently was recognized for his 85 years, diagnosed just a few years after insulin was created. And no complications. So much of this may come down to genes on top of the ultimate care that one has maintained through the years. So much is still unknown, though. Hopefully studying these veterans, and those such as me and Vince, will help paint a picture as to why and how. Sadly, though, it doesn't much benefit us - we hopefully can look past the fairness aspect of it all and take something out of helping the greater good.

  2. Has to make you wonder if the "complications thing" isn't equally related to genetics or predisposition to develop certain problems. My hubby is 30 years out with Type 1, and he has many complications. BUT he has also had 1st degree relatives who have had kidney failure, liver failure, neuropathy, and multiple sclerosis, just to name a few. By the way, all but one of them aren't (or weren't when they died) diabetic.

  3. Thank you Lilly, that is very interesting. Vince's brother was diagnosed at 5 years old. He doesn't have neuropathy yet but I think he might be developing it. He had a stroke around 30 and also has retinopathy.

  4. Some of this scares me so incredibly much... but I do have to wonder: what scares me more? The possibility of developing one or more of these debilitating complications, or the possibility that I could pass this all on to another generation. This is all fear-creating, indeed.

  5. Yes, I hate thinking about having a child or children develop type 1

  6. Again, admittedly...I am scared in reading all of this. Joe is only 8. We, Dave, Bridget, Joe, and I are trying to do everything right...and to know it may not be enough scares me. Love to you Sandy and Michael...and Vince and the other family members behind the "writers". We are all in this together. I heart you all like you are family. xo

  7. Its really lonely to be unique
    For what its worth, Tom was diagnosed until 21
    has been described as "brittle" by his endo
    and yet doesn't appear to have any complications
    he is now 59 years old - not 30
    for me, I finally found DW's blog
    and it helped me...
    I hope you find someone who can help you
    loneliness is almost as bad as the illness!
