Saturday, May 7, 2011

Another Long Post

Where do I begin? There has been so much going on lately. I suppose I will start with family planning. Vince and I have been trying to start a family for about 3 years now without success. I began to see my doctor for help at some point. I think it was last year but to be honest, I forget now when it was. I have zero memory of anything anymore. Must be the stress. Anyway, I explained that we are trying to have a baby and that my cycle is always off which is probably why we are not having luck. They started me on some meds to try to regulate me but still no success. After noticing some issues with Vince, we began to think our problems were more than what my OBGYN could handle. A few months ago we made an appointment with an infertility specialist. Our first appointment there shocked me. They got right down to business. They did a full work up on us and a full exam on me, ultrasound included. They confirmed what I have been told in the past. I indeed have PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome) They were hopeful and said we can still have a baby with some better monitoring and treatments. We explained a few issues we have noticed on Vince's side and they said there are ways around it. We have options. So, okay, sounds like we are still in the game. Over the next few weeks and month or so, I spent a lot of mornings before work, going to their office for blood work and internal ultrasounds. I should probably mention that going to the "girly" doctor is my least favorite thing in the entire world but after all this, I got over it quickly. So, as they were trying to figure out what my body was doing and regulate me, they also sent me for some routine tests to be sure all my other parts were in working order. I won't go into detail but let's just say they were very painful and almost scared me away from the whole "birthing a child" idea. Anyway,  after a few months of all the monitoring, they were ready to do an IUI (intrauterine insemination) Of course my body felt that the perfect day for this would be the morning of the start of my new job. Yay! Hear my excitement? So we collected Vince's sample and off I went to the doctor to be inseminated bright and early that day. After waiting for them to prepare everything, a nurse came out and called me back. I thought, good, we are still doing good on time. I couldn't be late for my first day of a new job! But instead of taking me to an exam room, we went to an office. Weird, I thought. Then she proceeded to tell me there was a problem with his sample. I won't go into detail for Vince's sake. She said she will have the doctor call us. So I left, teary eyed and called Vince with the news and went to my first day of work and put a smile on my face. A few days later the doctor called and said he thinks Vince needed to see a specialist but he would like to have some blood work drawn first. So we had that done and waited. Then the doctor called me a few days later with the news. He said he found that Vince's hormone levels were very off which explained the issue with the sample and that it is a sign of a pituitary gland tumor. At this point I stopped listening. When he stopped talking, I said, is it cancer? He said no. Not cancer, just a tumor. He will need to take medication for the rest of his life to regulate himself and his hormones should return to normal and we can continue the baby making procedures. He said Vince needs an MRI to confirm. Of course we did what any human would do when the doctor says the word tumor. We went right to Web MD. There it said that MOST of the time these types of tumors were not cancerous. Most of the time? Well that doesn't give us any comfort! The doctor failed to mention that there was even a possibility of cancer. So where are we today? We are waiting for his MRI next week to see how big the tumor is and we will go from there. It actually explains a little bit of why he has been feeling more awful. It explains the headaches and some of the nausea. So now we wait and hope that it isn't anything too awful.


  1. Sandy: I'm very sorry to read some of the news on your end. My best your way, to both you and Vince. This is a tough topic to think about in itself, let alone write a blog post on. So, thank you for the courage in sharing this. I hope everything stays non-cancerous and balances out.

  2. Thank you so much Michael. It has been going on for some time now but it wasn't until now that I thought it was the right time to share. I will update as we know more.

  3. Sandy,
    Wishing you the very best. You both have so much going on right now. I think it's encouraging that Vince's doctor told you that it WASN'T cancer, so hopefully he really knows what he's talking about.
    Take care and hang in there,

  4. Oh Sandy...I feel for you. I just went that whole fiasco with Joe and it is so scary not knowing and so difficult waiting. I am thinking of you and Vince. I am hoping for some answers...obviously I am hoping for benign answers and hopefully a "fix" to make Vince feel better...and get you inseminated girl!!! xoxo

  5. My God! You and Vince will be in my prayers! I pray that Vince can get through the MRI with minimal pain due to lying still for that long. I also pray that Vince does not have cancer and if they regulate his hormones he will feel much better. I also pray that you both get the family you want.

  6. Yes Angela! His last MRI for something different was not pleasant. He was in a lot of pain and had trouble not moving, he is getting an open one (again) so that will at least help...
